Grades 7-9

The special task of grades 7-9 is to guide and support the students during the years of intense development, to ensure that they complete their basic studies, and to encourage all students to carry on studying further. It is especially important that each student has the best possible preconditions for the studies following basic education and the ability to consider his or her choices realistically.

The school year in grades 7-9 is divided into three terms. At the end of each term, the students will receive an End of Term Report. The first two terms concentrate on the progress of that individual term, while the Term 3 report card assesses the entire academic year. When the students get older, an increasing number of academic subjects will be graded on a numeric scale from 4-10, 4 being fail and 10 being outstanding

In addition to the term report, three pedagogical conferences are held to discuss the progress and learning with the students and the families. In Terms 1 and 2, the conference is led by the teachers, while in Term 3 the conference is led by the student him/herself. Student progress can also be followed in the Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) of each student.

In the selection of working methods, the characteristics of different subjects and the development of transversal competences are taken into consideration. The use of working methods typical for each subject promotes both the formation of organized knowledge structures and the adoption of skills.

The secondary school grades also place emphasis on skills such as identifying, processing, analyzing, etc., however, their methods and application thereof differ from those used with younger students, due to the older students’ abilities to facilitate their own enquiry and academic output. The school’s and, particularly, the teachers’ roles are to provide a functioning and easily accessible theoretical and practical framework within which students are able to increase their independent, life-long learning skills.

During Grade 7, students take the first steps in carrying out their responsibilities concerning their learning. They practise their independence in small doses. In Grade 8, students make their first choices concerning their studies when they choose their long and short electives. Parental guidance is definitely needed but the students are encouraged to push their boundaries and explore new areas of knowledge and skill. Going to Grade 9, students cast their first looks on the future – what they want to be when they grow up. One part in their education is coming to an end and they are preparing to start a new chapter going into high school.

Grade 8 student’s school day